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Au Natural

It's a New Year! And .. what's the saying? New year, new me? Well for this year's resolution I decided to challenge myself in a new way. I have given up makeup for a full year! Now to some of you this might not seem like the hardest challenge one could set for themselves, and a while back I thought the same. However, as I begin to mature I start to see things in a different light, beauty specifically. It all started when I was looking through some old photos and I realized that only recently have I been filling in my eyebrows. Now why on earth would I start doing that when just three years ago my brows were fine just the way they were. It was then that I realized that due to the fact that thick eyebrows are now the epitome of beauty, that my naturally thin eyebrows were no longer seen as such. without realizing it, I began to hate my brows and wished for naturally thicker ones.

It all started when I was looking through some old photos and I realized that only recently have I been filling in my eyebrows.

So one day I was looking at myself in the mirror and notice just how cute I am without all that stuff on my face. I'm not saying that I hate makeup now, I'm obsessed with it and love how it enhances my natural beauty. but I do hate the fact that I had become so dependent on makeup that whenever I took it off and saw myself as I was, I grimaced.

That is not how God has intended me to see myself each time I look into a mirror. So I came up with my challenge, as a way to appreciate who I am to the Lord, to be RAW and TRANSPARENT to everyone I come into contact with.

That is not how God has intended me to see myself each time I look into a mirror. So I came up with my challenge, as a way to appreciate who I am to the Lord, to be RAW and TRANSPARENT to everyone I come into contact with. Now the only thing I want people to see when they look at me is not long lashes, thick eyebrows and perfect skin, but rather God's light shinning through me. SO in honor of my resolution I, for the first time in Lord knows how long, did a photoshoot without make up. Enjoy and thanks for reading!!

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