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The "Typical Girl"

Do ever have those moments when you just sit back on the couch with a bag of potato chip, a large bowl of ice cream with a matching spoon, watching a sappy rom-com whilst wiping tears from your mascara stained face and think "man I'm lonely."  No? Oh, yeah me neither.  But in all seriousness, I think we all have a time in our lives when we become the typical girl... you're probably thinking, uh yeah.. like once a month, and true, but I mean a time in our lives when we see pictures of friends and family finding their perfect someone and living a happy life together while you're sitting in the corner stuffing as much food in your mouth as possible.

Do ever have those moments when you just sit back on the couch with a bag of potato chip, a large bowl of ice cream with a matching spoon, watching a sappy rom-com whilst wiping tears from your mascara stained face and think "man I'm lonely."

Come on, we've all been there. And it's ok! Although at times its hard to accept that our time hasn't come yet, we are still able to experience adventures and personal changes that some aren't able to do.  Being single isn't sad... It's empowering. Just think, where we are in single-hood is creating us to be the women we need to be for what the Lord has planned for our lives, whether that is sharing a life with that special someone, or not.

So live in the moment and enjoy it while you can!


Where you are in your single life leads to who you will be in the future.  Isn't that cool?! So don't think of single-hood as a depressing,  lonely, "when will that be me?" time, but rather a time to figure out who you are, experience new things, and meet interesting people, because this is a time you're not always going to have.  So live in the moment and enjoy it while you can!

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