Welp, It’s that time of year ladies and gents… It’s Flu season. For someone who has never gotten the flu * knocks on wood* I don’t really understand much about it, but I certainly do know how to avoid it… and I am here to share that information with you because frankly it shouldn’t be a secret how easy it is to keep those pesky viruses at bay. Now you’re probably saying to yourself, PSH! I got my flu shot! I’m completely immune what else would I need to do?! Well coming from someone who has never had a flu shot, there is A LOT you can be doing. So here it goes… my secrets to never getting sick.
A strong immune system ~ Now you would think that this is a given, yes some peoples immune systems are stronger than others, but that doesn’t mean it cannot be strengthened. Vitamin C is vital and a huge supporter. I usually use Emergen-C because of how much of the vitamin it contains, however there are other ways of obtaining this vitamin, for instance, oranges. now let me be clear, that doesn’t mean you can drink the orange juice you find in the juice aisle at the store, that contains so much sugar and preservatives that it simply defeats the purpose, if you simply have to have juice, do it yourself the fresher the better. Along with that would be Dark leafy greens, blueberries, bell peppers and many more. With vitamin C I also take Echinacea this is a wonderful plant that comes in the form of pills as well as powders for drinks, highly suggest the tablets though, the powder tastes like straight up dirt.
A Good Diet~ This might hurt you a little, but just hear me out. There are a lot of foods that we consume that our bodies have a much harder time digesting. So when you have say a steak, it takes time for your body to break it down as well as a lot of energy, which is why you would feel tired after the meal, now while your body is taking must if its energy to break down heavy foods, it leaves very little for your immune system to work against the bacterias our body is constantly being exposed too. Now I’m not saying never have steak, just eat heaver foods in moderation. And that leads to the next tip.
CUT DOWN ON SUGAR! ~ You probably hate me now, but trust me your body will thank you for this! Sugar is prone to attacking your immune system, again like with the steak, the sugar slows down your digestion because your body is having to find places to put it, and it doesn’t always go to places that benefit you. Sugar is the leading cause for most low immune systems. Now understand that sugar isn’t just candy and desserts, sadly sugar is in almost everything that we eat! Carbohydrates for instance are incredibly high in sugar. Once that gets into your system they immediately turn into sugar. I’m not saying to stop eating anything with sugar in it cold turkey, just again, in moderation.
Exercise ~ When you take care of your body, it takes care of you. Caring for yourself takes work but it pays for itself in the long run. There are some specific exercises to do when you want to focus on you immune system but I’ll write about that at another time.
Essential Oils ~ I swear by these, and now that they are more common than they were when my mom was using them on baby Tennie, they are quite easy to find. Now before I begin telling you which ones to use I must warn you, although there are several companies that produce these oils and they might have better prices than you have imagined doesn’t mean that they are all good for you. In fact, most of the ones that are below $25 for a tiny bottle are not properly processed, you can actually be making the situation worse when using these oils, so just be wary and research before buying. NOW! on to the magic! The brand I use can be found in health food stores and Whole Foods! ( AKA the best place on earth). It’s called Aura Cacia and its USDA organic, honesty I don’t put anything in my body that isn’t. SO! on to the blend!
Tea Tree oil – Anti- bacterial
Eucalyptus – to clear sinuses
Lavander- To soothe
Thyves – Fights viruses
Citrus – Vitamine C
Oregano – you can’t have too many Anti- Bacterials
Peppermint- To also soothe ( P.s this stuff works wonders on Nausea)
Apply these on all of you big pores which are~
The insides of your wrists
Your Lymph Nodes directly below your ears
Your Nasal cavities, right below your eyebrows closest to the bridge of your nose be careful not to get too close to the eyes.
And the Bottom of your feet
And now you have it! YAY! I hope this helps you to having a healthy immune system and leaving you more time to enjoy the crisp cold weather!!!
Until next time!! ~ Tennie