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Writer's picture: Asten DavisAsten Davis

COLOSSIANS MAN!!  This chapter is deep!!! I mean everything in the bible is amazing of course, but this book really blows me away. So I was doing my daily devo and decided to not just read the scripture but break it down verse by verse and I wanted to share with ya’ll what I got from it.

SO! Colossians 1:15-18!!

15 ~ ” He is the image of the invisible God.” So we all know that there is a God, whether or not we want to believe, we all know that there is a power bigger and more powerful that us that is to be exalted, and though some try to find their god through things on this earth, deep down they know that he is the “TRUE invisible God” Earthly replacement gods can never give us the fulfillment that our spirits crave for, and I”ll expand on that in a little bit.

16 ~ “For by HIM all things are created; in heaven and on earth visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions  or rulers or authorities.” So we discussed how we know that there is a higher power and because of his power everything that has been made by him not only for us but for his glory as well… and this is were it gets good… THIS INCLUDES US!! This is such an awesome representation of his love for us, we are not only held together through him.. but FOR him as well.

17 ~ “In him all things hold together” Life without him is not only empty and meaningless, (which is amazing because even our spirits, believer or nonbeliever, knows that we are made for so much more than to just live on this earth for our own pleasures, that we crave for that deeper connection.) But that we are also fragile without him we are shattered and broken and without him in our lives we look for things on this earth to put us back together time and time again.

18 ~ ” That in everything he might be preeminent.” Ok so I don’t know what word other versions use, but for mine this is a word I’ve never seen before… so because I am my mother’s daughter, I decided to look it up and what I found amazed me.

Preeminent ~ ” Surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way”

Dudes! This is God in one word… if someone comes up to you and says, explain God in one word… this is the word you would use! In EVERYTHING he surpasses it, whether it is life, or death, and even the church, all things that are created by him… are held together by him, ALL things.

So yeah! thats what I got from that! This way of studying the bible is definitely a way I plan to continue to use. And I encourage y’all to do the same!

Welp as always, Good vibes and God bless.


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